Who is the boss of you?
Hi friends!
Sending this a little later this week because last night was a long night. I took my theater obsessed daughter to The Public Theater’s free Shakespeare in the Park.
The show was magical, but I have to confess that I find it hard to stomach how easily his characters get duped by obvious ruses. My husband put it into perspective for me though, in a way I’d never considered: “Shakespeare’s plots make sense if you just accept that his characters never question anything.” In fact, we all fall prey to obvious truths staring us right in the dang face unquestioned, sometimes for decades! A huge part of my role as a Coach is to call out lies masquerading as truths, question them, and help clients evaluate if they are indeed their truths, or just hangovers from old plot lines, so that they can take back leadership in their personal stories.
Next time you’re flirting with the idea of trying something new and you hear the little voice in the back of your head that says, “Wait! People might not think you're good enough/smart enough/strong enough/worthy enough,” here’s something you might want to try.
Ask yourself whose voice that message is coming through as? Is it some random dude you worked with a lifetime ago? Your mom? Your childhood music teacher?
Take a deep breath and ask yourself if they really get to be the boss of you and your choices.
If the answer is no, ask yourself what new belief you’d like to adopt. And then tattoo it on your forehead (or you could write it on a post-it if you want to test it out first), so you’ll remember it, because those random old voices are as good at popping in at inconvenient times as those pesky jesters are in Shakespeare’s plays.
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Sending you so much love and courage to question the beliefs that are guiding your choices,