Before we get into it: If it’s easier to listen to this than read it, just click the arrow above and I’ll read it to you. 🥰
I had a perfect day this week. Sure, it was my birthday, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a perfect day. In fact, I can think of many years where it was the opposite - years when my life was pulled in opposing directions, when I felt like my time wasn’t well invested, and when I knew what I was pouring my energy into wasn’t what I was meant for.
But, not this year. This year I had a perfect day on my special day. It was just a bunch of little things: Spotify served me a perfect song. There was a gentle rain and unseasonably warm weather for my morning run. One of my kiddos didn’t have school, so we made my favorite breakfast together (see below for deets). I guided powerful coaching sessions with clients and taught customer experience strategists from companies I admire how to design meaningfully motivating experiences. I did some writing, got my Wordle in 3 guesses, took a long walk to the library with my kids, ate delicious Indian food for dinner, reconnected with people from all phases of my life, and got to announce a lifelong dream coming true, the launch of my new podcast the Uplifters. And my hubby gifted me a hot pink power suit to match the Uplifters branding and my next chapter. So, yeah, it was a really, really good day.
But, it wasn’t by accident. In fact, it was about five years ago that my dear friend and mentor Karen Poel guided me through an exercise called Perfect Day. She helped me look past the expectations of others and focus on what I really wanted.
And now, my perfect day is now pretty much my every day, because getting clear about what it looked like allowed me to make big and tiny choices that pointed me in that direction. As an added benefit: knowing that I chose this path also really helps me appreciate and savor my days, even when they get overwhelmingly packed with things that bring me joy (as happened one day recently).
Getting here took time, and wasn’t always easy, but deciding where I wanted to go was the first and most important part of the journey, so here’s the technique that started it all. I hope it can help you move toward more perfect days too.
I’d super appreciate it if you’d subscribe to this new YouTube channel, so that I can share all of the amazing interviews that are coming soon to The Uplifters Podcast. (I probably use the word amazing too often, but truly, the women I’m interviewing for this show are teaching me soooooo much!) The first full episode is coming mid-April, but you can go ahead and follow us on Apple and Spotify now too!!😍🎤🔥
Sexy Breakfast Break
Over the years, we’ve led thousands of people through the Perfect Day exercise. Most people's perfect day started with a cup of coffee. For me, it was a sexy breakfast (sexy for me = a tad unconventional, super satisfying, and some mix of sweet and savory). So,I’ve decided that, just for fun, I’m going to start adding a breakfast section to this newsletter moving forward. I’ll share some of my favorites, in hopes that you’ll share yours with me in the comments.
#1 Roasted chickpeas coated in sweet paprika, tahini dressing, cottage cheese (I warned you they’d be weird, so don’t judge). Smoky, crunchy, creamy goodness.
Thanks so much for coming along with me in this journey! Here’s to more perfect days!