Hello, you bold, brave, fiercely authentic, Uplifters!
My gosh, I’m grateful to continue this conversation with you about the myriad ways courage shows up in our lives - from the monumental to the microscopic. Sharing these stories with you has sharpened my awareness of courage, both in myself and others, and deepened my belief in its transformative power.
This week, I delved into some fascinating research on courage. A study I came across identified several subtypes of courage:
1. Reputation as a courageous individual
2. Moral courage (doing the right thing)
3. Self-efficacy in courage (believing in your capacity for courageous acts)
4. Physical courage (taking brave physical actions)
5. Everyday courage (being brave in daily life)
6. Reactive courage (responding courageously to external events)
7. Proactive courage (taking preemptive brave actions)
8. Consciousness regarding courage (keeping courage in mind as you navigate life)
Which of these do you practice most often? Which ones make your palms sweat? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
This week, I'm most proud of reaching out to an old friend. We'd lost touch, and I worried I'd damaged our friendship somehow. (Anyone else overthink like this?) Instead of avoiding it, I took the risk and reached out. Turns out, it wasn't about me at all (GASP!) - my friend was dealing with some heavy stuff. Now, I get to support her through this tough time. If you need a reminder today that avoidance is never the answer, maybe this can be it.
Speaking of avoidance, I also got my mammogram this week! With a dense family history of breast cancer, the "scanxiety"
described in her episode feels all too real. It's scary to show up for these tests every six months, but a whole lot scarier to ignore them. I'm in it for the long haul, so I'm doing what it takes to care for this body. Who else is getting their scans this month? Let's celebrate that courage together!I’m also mustering courage as I gear up for The Wineglass Marathon this weekend. While I've run 22 marathons, the only time I felt I truly ran my best was the last time I ran this course. (Check out my conversation with
in which we discovered we ran our best races together long before we met!)This time, I'm aiming to recreate that magic: running outside myself, focusing on the beauty around me, and quickly dismissing self-doubt when it creeps in. It's about running the mile I'm in and remembering a simple truth: there is beauty all around us, all the time. And we will be okay. (I'm also repeating this mantra as we navigate the chaos of moving - more on that next week!) Here’s to running fearlessly like Kathrine Switzer.
Uplifting friends, colleagues, and clients who boosted my courage this week
1. At 60, Mary Ann decided to run her first marathon. She describes it as the most physically demanding and rewarding thing she's ever done, besides childbirth. What if we all pushed our comfort zones like Mary Ann?
2. Alyse has been documenting her last wishes and care expectations. It takes immense courage to face the "what ifs" and assert body autonomy for our final days. What if we named and communicated our desires as clearly as Alyse?
3. Jess reached out to two clients who weren't communicating respectfully. Instead of silently enduring it, she requested respectful communication, informed her leaders, and modeled that respect is non-negotiable. What if we all communicated our needs as bravely as Jess?
Remember, Uplifters, courage isn't about the absence of fear - it's about taking action despite it. Whether it's rekindling a friendship, prioritizing your health, pursuing a long-held dream, or setting boundaries, every act of courage ripples out and inspires others, and helps us stockpile courage for that next big moment.
What courageous acts, big or small, have you undertaken this week? Share your stories in the comments, reply to this email, or post in our private Facebook group. Let's celebrate each other's bravery and keep this courage momentum going!
Stay brave,
P.S. If you're facing a mammogram, a difficult conversation, or any other courage-requiring moment this week, know that I’m cheering you on. You've got this!
P.P.S. Our listener survey is still open. Will I ever close it? TBD. It’ll take less than 5 minutes to complete and you’ll have a hand in shaping the future of The Uplifters Podcast and Substack.
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We are cheering you on Aransas!! GO!GO!GO! Have fun!!
Who else has run the Wineglass Marathon?