I see you've been getting ready
When your mind wanders imagining what might come next.
When you clear the clutter that’s keeping you stuck.
When you question old ideas.
When your Google search term starts asking new questions.
All of this is preparation.
All of this is what it looks like when you are getting ready to take action.
Yes, it’s almost September. Yes, time flies. But, what if this whole year has just been preparing us, building tiny muscles, so that we can spread our wings and rise higher?
If you’re ready to take flight, join us for our 10-week Re-Ignite Your Inner Fire Accelerator.
You will learn how to maximize your motivation, energy, and time.
You will make progress toward your goal every single week.
You will create your personal success metrics and an action plan for improving them.
You receive feedback and mentoring on your progress from a certified master coach.
You will build a network of champions, mentors, and collaborators.
You can read all about it here, but please email me at aransas@liveupdaily.com (or just reply to this message) if you have any questions about any of it.
If you want to get a taste of what this will look and feel like, join us for our free Fan Your Fire Uplifter session on Thursday, August 31 at 6:00 PM ET. In one hour, you’ll come away with a new intention for the last quarter of the year and the clarity to move toward it with full energy and motivation.
Let’s keep rising higher, together, 💓Aransas