Facing the dust bunnies in the corners 🧹
Happy Fearless Friday!
Did you know that the quiet voices whispering to us that we should feel guilty when we take care of ourselves, the ones that say we aren’t trying hard enough, the ones that tell us we are too far behind to catch up, are like creepy corners in dark basements?
In the same way we keep running past those dark corners, averting our eyes, we try to ignore the defeating whispers in our minds, pushing them further away from our consciousness, hoping they'll go away on their own.
Unfortunately, just like the dust bunnies collecting in those dark corners, our limiting beliefs and fears just get bigger when we ignore them. They drain our energy with what ifs, nebulous fears and destabilizing uncertainty.
Once we turn toward them, and look directly at them, we get a chance to decide whether they deserve our attention and how true they really are. Suddenly all the energy we were putting into averting and avoiding can be invested in the things that actually matter to us.
So, how do we open our eyes and look directly at the whispers? Simply put, we raise our awareness. Meditation, journaling and coaching are all powerful and proven ways to achieve this.
If you’re interested in learning more about the science of Awareness, why it's worthwhile, and how to get started, click the image below to listen to this short 10-minute audiocast from Jud Brewer. It’s soooooo good!

My job as a coach is to be in your corner while you look in your corners, so if you’re looking for a little support and accountability, reach out.
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Here’s to learning our way forward, together.