Authentic August is coming in hot 😅
Hi friends!
Like so many women, I always wanted to be a good girl, but that led to play-acting, putting on borrowed identities, and making choices that were sometimes out of whack with my values, gifts, and beliefs. And while a little game of dress up can be fun every now and then, continually being out of alignment with our true selves is freaking exhausting and costs us the opportunity to fully be ourselves. The past few years have felt like a big coming out party over here as I’ve given myself the freedom to fully be my weird, wacky, people-loving self. And it has been amazing. Instead of being exhausted, I get to be invigorated, because it takes way less energy and editing to just be me.
So many of us have spent our lives doing what we should, investing our time, money, and energy on the things (and people?) we were told mattered (but didn't necessarily matter to us). Being authentic means being someone you've perhaps never tried to be; your best self. We’re gearing up for Authentic August over at LiveUp, and I’d love to bring you along for the journey! Each week, I'll share in this newsletter a few of the meaty questions we're exploring over at LiveUp.
If you want to get cozy with your “true self,” some of the questions you might want to explore are…
What are your most important Values? ➡️ Here’s a free Values assessment you can check out for some ideas
What attributes do you most like about yourself?
What do other people admire about you and the impact you have on them?
If you had to name one feeling that you would like to have most often, what would it be?
Want to explore this together? This month in a series of live events, self-guided workbooks, and online discussions we'll explore
The meaning and importance of Authenticity
Our personal Values
Embracing who we are now
Releasing old identities that have held us stuck in place
If you enjoy these uplifting updates, please share them with your people. They can sign up here.
Sending you so much love (because more love is always better),