Where have you been?
Happy Fearless Friday, Friends!
As part of my work with Stone Mantel, the experience strategy company, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to research, for some of the world’s leading brands, how people think about their personal transformations.
We have learned that transformation comes in all shapes and sizes. It can happen very quickly and it can take a long time. It can be a radical overhaul of a person’s identity, or it can be a meaningful change in one specific area.
We also found that it tends to follow a fairly consistent path.
⭐️It begins with a catalyst, something that triggers a desire for change. Often these are difficult moments, but they can also be desire.
⭐️Then, something causes us to see the world differently – it changes our perceptions, thoughts, or feelings.
⭐️Next, we begin to act differently, based on our new awareness.
⭐️ Ultimately, there is a resulting change that we experience as transformation... and the cycle continues.
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling those new beginning vibes right now. There's a little spark inside me asking, "What's next?". To boldly, confidently answer that question for 2023, let's start by looking back on how we've changed in 2022, to see what it tells us about where we go next.
📔 Reflect to Get Ready 📔
What is a transformation, big or small, that you have experienced this year?
What was the catalyst?
How did it cause you to see differently?
What did you do differently?
How are you different as a result?